Feeling better

By Suziep71


I've had a lovely but an emotional day. Which is prob why I'm cream crackered.

I went to see a spiritualist today. I know some people may think that it's a lot of suggestion etc and that's ok.
But I went with an open mind. If I didn't agree or know something then I said. I fight tell her anything at all nor did I ask anything. I just let her speak.

It was very interesting. She talked about my dad who is alive and bits relating to him. She spoke about what I was like and got me down to a T.
She said that there was a lady very strong and that there was a rose tree in her memory. This was definately true as my work colleagues had bought me a rose tree when my mum died.

There was lots of other bits which were very true but I will not bore you :-)

After my friend took me for lunch where I had a slice of goats cheese and caramelised onion quiche. WOE it was gorgeous.

Good thing that happened today -

I feel a bit more settled after today knowing that mum is ok and looking after me.

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