Charcuterie Grazing Platter

It was another grey drizzly day so I hadn't done much until my friend Nel sent me a text saying she was in Leith and did I fancy meeting up for a drink. I jumped at the chance, not having seen Nel for months (she lives the other side of Edinburgh and has been busy with her dissertation, oh and visiting Australia). My friends don't get down to Leith very often so it was a chance for me to socialise locally for a change. We were NOT planning on a long session but for some reason when the two of us get together, things often get a bit "messy" :-/

Anyway I suggested "The Vintage", we had a couple schooners of their guest beers and then moved onto their permanent "Joker IPA", after a couple Jokers we decided to order some food. I hadn't eaten at The Vintage before so was looking foward to trying their "Charcuterie" grazing platter (pictured) we selected 4 meats (from top to bottom) Smoked Duck, Smoked Ham, Venison Salami and a mushroom Salami. It was fabulous! I've been in The Vintage quite a few times for their beer, I might be in danger of visiting even more often for their food! And, yes, things did get a bit "messy" by the end of the evening!

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