Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


The day nearly got away from me again, but I finally managed to get out with a camera a bit after 3 this afternoon.  It was cold and windy with the sun getting low in the sky.  Weird and somewhat difficult shooting conditions because the light was really pretty harsh.  And, of course, the most prevalent bird was the highly contrasty Chickadee.  So, I did some messing in LR to tone down the contrast a bit.  And I tried to improve the background - with all the trees bare, the background gets all kinds of hot and cold spots.  

I've been very productive today - got the paperwork for our accountant done (after procrastinating for a month), vacuumed and mopped (yuck), and took the pup for a walk and a trip to the pet store.  I let him pick out a toy at the pet store which was fun.  And of course, everyone there was making a big fuss over him so he was thrilled. After we left the store, we drove to a section of the parking lot where gulls always gather this time of year and sat and watched the gulls for a while.  Jax is always fascinated by birds in flight so he was riveted by all the gulls swooping  and soaring.  He's been pretty chill today and is currently napping next to me on the sofa.

It's going to be cold again tomorrow but hopefully the wind will die down a bit.  I'm so ready for spring.

Dark with ginger today.


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