
By Vonny

Back off!

The swans at the lakes are getting quite aggressive now they've started nesting. There were three quite near me all displaying this threatening pose to each other (or maybe to me!). It's an impressive sight and sound when the swans suddenly power across the water from the other side of the lake to chase away another bird. Loud honking, wings beating and feet furiously slapping the water before they land and then fold into this busking pose.

A pair of swans have nested beside the path by a low footbridge where one was resting quite happily as bikes and joggers went past, until a dog came near and then she stood up and starting beating her wings and hissing the dog away. The dog was dwarfed, but trotted away unconcerned. No eggs to be seen yet.

Also saw the frog-eating heron again, but I'll spare you the 'heron with frog-shaped neck' photo...

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