The day to start is today

By Traci

There are three kinds of people

those who can count and those who can't

This morning didn't start well, usual grey and bleak, with a bit of rain (and who said I wouldn't be complaining about the weather today??)
thrown in for good measure.

A few errands run, and forgot the milk, so coffee is at a premium until either myself or hubby gives in and goes to get some. I feel I may crack first.

The sun has come out for a welcome afternoon performance, of which we are all truly grateful, including Pups who has now been on a dry walk and hasn't had to be towel dried on his return, which he hates with a passion and we have the chewed towels to prove it.

Film time for the troops and I am trying to finish a set of minutes from a meeting I went to two weeks ago (very sad face) I did take notes but think I must have drifted slightly during the course of, because I have no proper recollection of most of it at all. My plan is if I get as finished as possible before I go out tonight with a friend that was there too, I can ask subtle questions - which may fill in the gaps !! et voila. Note to self - do not drink anything before all gaps are filled.

Thought the sight of the brightest yellow with the most gorgeous of blue may the order of the day today, and I am not ashamed to admit my garden is beginning to fill with hundreds of these gorgeous dandelions, soon to be fairy clocks, along with the daisies that a few wild rabbits pop in to munch their way through, adorable, until hubby realises they have been munching at other things in the garden too.

Just an added note - that blue sky disappeared and I have just had to race/drive out and rescue eldest on a jog, from a HAIL storm passing by !!! A short while ago it she wouldn't have needed rescuing as she didn't get very far but now she disappears off for miles. I know how grateful she was as I have been thanked publicly on Facebook :) Now that is real gratitude :D

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