Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Looking for the iconograph imp

Which will only mean something to those familair with Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.

Anway, even with the lens fully open, I couldn't see him but he was clearly there because when I took the card out of the camera I found this image recorded. I think he's done a reasonable job, but could have been more forgiving around the eyes :-)

Had an internal interview for a new role/job/position. 2nd interview and at least one, maybe two more to go assuming of course that I didn't blow it today. A really interesting role, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Only Rosina and I at home tonight. She has already fed herslf, so I'm going to sucumb to the temptation of a kebab. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes nothing else will do.

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