Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Sights from my Bike Ride

It got up to 74F (about 23C) today!  I'm not going to complain that it was mostly cloudy.  It was warm and windless, so I was happy.  I rode 25 miles and had more than enough images for 2 collages. :-)

Main Collage

Top Row:             View from the bike path (St. Vrain Greenway)
                              Immature Bald Eagle
                              Sky diver from the local airport.  He's wearing shorts!

Middle:                 Green-winged Teal
                              My odometer

Bottom:                Two very different recumbent bikes
                              Western Meadowlark - the first one this year
                              Looking down the St. Vrain River

Extra Collage

Top Row:            New signs along the trail
                             Juvenile Bald Eagle showing more of his white feathers
                             Sign on a tree in someone's front yard

Middle:               Full shot of the Green-winged Teal
                            American Kestrel
                            Size comparison of Mallard and GWT.  The teal is really tiny.

Bottom:              This is one of many similar signs on an 8 foot fence surrounding a house.  I probably won't go that way again.
                            The young eagle again :-)
                            A farm near the airport

The second extra is a motorcycle graveyard.

I am grateful that I finally got out with my camera!  I was running out of EB material!                                                   

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