Sights from my Bike Ride
It got up to 74F (about 23C) today! I'm not going to complain that it was mostly cloudy. It was warm and windless, so I was happy. I rode 25 miles and had more than enough images for 2 collages. :-)
Main Collage
Top Row: View from the bike path (St. Vrain Greenway)
Immature Bald Eagle
Sky diver from the local airport. He's wearing shorts!
Middle: Green-winged Teal
My odometer
Bottom: Two very different recumbent bikes
Western Meadowlark - the first one this year
Looking down the St. Vrain River
Extra Collage
Top Row: New signs along the trail
Juvenile Bald Eagle showing more of his white feathers
Sign on a tree in someone's front yard
Middle: Full shot of the Green-winged Teal
American Kestrel
Size comparison of Mallard and GWT. The teal is really tiny.
Bottom: This is one of many similar signs on an 8 foot fence surrounding a house. I probably won't go that way again.
The young eagle again :-)
A farm near the airport
The second extra is a motorcycle graveyard.
I am grateful that I finally got out with my camera! I was running out of EB material!
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