Leaving England

Elbows and I are doing the most extraordinary and exciting thing - we are on a cruise to Norway. We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in full lockdown over a year ago and the idea was hatched then. I wanted to go and see somewhere we wouldn’t go and see otherwise. And seeing the Northern Lights potentially, is thrilling.

We boarded smoothly and efficiently soon after midday at Tilbury Docks. As a Covid measure, we were asked to remain in our cabins until we’d received negative Covid tests but as soon as we were released, we set off exploring the 9 decks. Apparently this is a small ship, although small is not the word I’d have used. It’s got 630’ish guests apparently and there’s 465 staff/crew.

It’s comfortable and spacious and all is very good. I’ve lived in a boat twice before, for 6/7 weeks each time, because it was the cheapest way for a big family to travel from Australia to England back in the 70’s and 80’s. And this is very different. :-)

We’re at sea all day tomorrow so R&R looks possible.

Back home, DougsJB and PuddleDuck have kindly and generously moved into our home, to look after NoaNoa and MightyMouse and the array of pets. I’m so chuffed & grateful that they were and are willing to do this.

Big big big big smile.

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