Right pair of Tossers

Iv woken up with a bit of a dry, sore throat today. I think I have caught Baby J's cold but I don't feel too bad.

Quiet day in for me while Mr W went for his Massage and a game of squash and Lady Linda visiting friends.

Mr W then took me into Lewes to show me his old stomping ground and look in Pro Cook for a new dinner set. Not sure its going to be an easy thing to decide on!!

Then this evening Lady Linda made us all pancakes. I managed to break Mr W away from his laptop to toss a pancake ball. Why are the 1st ones always the worst!! But the rest where delicious! I had Lady Linda in hysterics looking through the pictures!

DN1 and I have been messaging about yesterdays little melt down. She admitted she was tired, emotional and probably a little over sensitive and my questions such as "would you like me to change his nappy before we go out?" changed over to "you have left him in a wet nappy for too long" in her overactive mind. We are all sorted now.

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