Mail to Messy

By Horomaka

Westerlies over the Southern Alps

The only thing about an hour commute is that at this time of the year, once the clocks have gone back, you're always racing the light at the end of the day.

Tonight was no exception. A quick bite to eat from one of the many takeaways of an asian persuasion in Chch meant that by the time I had cleared the suburbs the gloaming had taken hold.

As I drive out on SH75 I'm always looking around to see where my light is, but tonight I resigned myself to the fact that it was going to have to be another stop at Sunset Point with its open views across the lake.

With brewing westerlies cutting out much of the setting sun, it was tripod time once more.

Of course the great thing about early autumn is that the other end of the day's golden hour is now more accessible. Here's hoping that the upcoming weekend stays fine for some sunrise jaunts out on the peninsula....

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