Spring has sprung

1st March and hasn't it been a lovely day?  Our weather app was full of little sunny day symbols and for once it was telling the truth, so off we went on a big long walk. We walked 9.77 miles and saw lots of lovely spring flowers on our walk. (See extras).

We went through the Hermitage to Inch Park to Craigmillar Castle Park to Figgate Park to Portobello Beach to Brunstane Mill Park and then to the Old Innocent Walkway with the intention of walking the full length of it before walking through the scary tunnel to the Meadows & Bruntsfield Links to home.

Unfortunately after we'd walked for about 3 hours, Ann's feet were so sore that the walk had stopped being enjoyable. There was nothing wrong with my paws!!  (She's having real problems with what she calls her 'walking trainers'?) She said, 'Trixie, I reckon we've got another couple of hours to walk and I am in pain. Let's just jump on a bus and go home.' So that was what we did.

Even though we had to cut our walk short I still enjoyed myself. I found a manky old tennis ball in Craigmillar Castle Park and carried it for the rest of the walk. When we got on the bus I settled down for a snooze and put the manky old tennis ball under my chin to keep it secure. Quick as a flash, Ann picked it up and put it in her pocket. Well, actually she put it in a poo bag first because she didn't want a manky old ball going straight into her pocket. She said it was to stop it rolling down the bus and someone tripping over it, breaking their leg and suing us but I'm perfectly capable of looking after my own manky old balls so I wasn't too happy about that. However, Ann promised that I could have it back as soon as we got off the bus and she kept her promise. Yay! Now it's in my manky old balls box.

By the time we got home it was about 2.30pm and we've both spent the rest of the afternoon snoozing. The intention was to have lunch on Portobello Prom (I was going to get a liver muffin from the little takeaway van) but it was so busy at Porty that we didn't bother stopping. And when we got home we were both too tired to eat. Now I've had my dinner and a big carrot and Ann is cooking chicken for her tea. I'm back in my bed having another little snooze, but I know when the chicken is cooked I'll get a few little titbits. Yum!

Oh and if anyone is interested; Ann's feet are still hurting. She's soaked them in the mop bucket some hot water with relaxing lotions but they still hurt. The right foot, especially, is still throbbing. Anyone got any recommendations for walking trainers for city walks? (Ann has walking boots for when she's going on big long hikes in the countryside). Her fav trainers are 'Sketchers Go Walk' ones but they don't have a very good grip and part of our walk today took us along muddy paths that were quite slippy. What she calls her 'walking trainers' are Trespass ones, but after about an hour of walking they stop being comfy??!! Suggestions anyone???

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