At home

A quiet day at home. After briefly teaching online, it was another morning sat glued to live coverage of the Ukraine - no words - and an afternoon and evening of knitting with Law and Order and a couple of movies - the Kingsman:The Secret Service (2014) and Star Trek 'Into the Darkness' (2013).  Not quite sure what I thought of the first, which I haven't seen before, tho' Ralph Fiennes' performance was as good as one should expect from him. Star Trek I have of course seen before. I do like this series, the whole cast are so credible as younger versions of William Shatner's crew. 

Caught on camera today is our garden cat Jessica who krept in for an afternoon nap - cheeky girl! 

First day of March, St David's day - no daffodils here, but Spring is on the way.

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