
Bit of a mission this morning as I had to go and get Isaac weighed. So it was up,breakfasted, dressed and on the long road to the clinic. Amelie walked there (and back) really well despite the distance, and didn't complain once. Once at the clinic I remembered why I hate it! Its roasting, busy and I get so flustered trying to get them undressed and on the scales and then trying to record the information without them weeing everywhere, all the while they are screaming their head off along with most of the other babies in there. The Health Visitor asked if I needed help and I had to say yes, I may have done it before but it was 3 years ago!

Isaac has gone from 8lb 10 oz (birthweight) at 11 days to 10lb 2oz at 31 days. So that is a gain of 24oz in 20 days, not bad! To be honest he isn't much chunkier, just super long! He's going to be out of his 0-3 suits well before 3 months I suspect...

Anyway we made it home just in time for lunch (so the clinic trip took us just under 2 hours) and got ready to head to see Louise, Rose and Maisy. We had a lovely afternoon, the girls played nicely together and only a couple of meltdowns between them. Isaac slept through nearly the whole trip but enjoyed some snuggles with Louise. He screamed the whole way home however as we had badly timed our exit with feeding time.

All in all, a busy and enjoyable day :)

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