The first of March, but it is not very Spring like as yet. It has instead been one of those dull cold wet days again, and as inevitably there are plenty of jobs indoors to keep me busy, I've not been out looking for wildlife to photograph today.
Instead, here is a natural light shot of an Amaryllis Lily. One of Cathy's friends kindly gave it to her as a birthday present and it's been quietly thriving in its pot on the windowsill ever since. This is taken with natural light although I have used a reflector to lift the light levels on the shadowed side.
For no better reason than because I could, I've actually taken a focus stack of 9 shots to produce this one, and have then played with it in Affinity Photo to give it a slightly artier look - I was loosely aiming for the look of an Audubon illustration.
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