Better Days

As in “I’ve had better days”. I detest going to the dentist, but it is a necessary evil twice a year. Starting with the hygienist, I went through what can only be described as “water boarding”, though I believe the official title is scale and polish. I was relieved of £58 for the “pleasure” of enduring this torture, and then told to take a seat and the dentist would be with me “shortly”. Half an hour later a very apologetic receptionist told me I’d been booked in with the wrong dentist and could I come back later.
Aaaarrrghh! It’s bad enough going to the dentist once in a day - going twice is mental torture of the highest order. Nevertheless, I returned as instructed, praying it would just be a quick check and then I could escape. No such luck - an old filling was collapsing and needed replacing. I could either have it done there and then or come back on another day. No way was I coming back again this week, so I reluctantly agreed to the filling. Not quite as painful as the scale and polish and completed reasonably quickly. And for that fifteen minutes work, I was relieved of a further £188! I was going to say that at least Dick Turpin wore a mask, but actually everyone was wearing a mask!
Just waiting for the anaesthetic to wear off now so I can try eating tea.
The picture is to remind me of happier times last night when I went with friends to see Smith Kotzen at Manchester Academy. That’s Adrian Smith from Iron Maiden and Richie Kotzen (Winery Dogs, Mr Big). Both superb guitarists and we also had Mrs Kotzen on bass. I only went because someone dropped out at the last minute, but I really enjoyed it. Some blistering guitar work from both Adrian and Richie and the sound was absolutely spot on. “Better Days” is the title track from their latest EP. It’s just a shame I could only savour the moment for a few short hours before the reality of the dentist intervened!

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