Swopped the day I went to dads so that I could go out with Su. She arrived about 10.30 for coffee, admired my new blinds and advised that my new bedside light bulbs are keepers. No doubt they will be blipped at some point. We headed off to Leamington Spa - nice drive in the lovely sunshine. Mooched around the craft fair - checking it out for a future venue for S was the main reason for going. Had a delicious lunch at Warwick Street kitchen- black garlic hummus, poached eggs, mushroom and home made sourdough flatbread. Loved it! Had a cup of tea and shared a raspberry frangipane.
Saw a lovely shop next door and spent ages in there buying cards , glass jar and looking for birthday presents. I was tempted by this display of candles but resisted.
Lovely day but think Su has decided against the craft fair - it’s a bit far to drive, the market is outside and there were a lot of jewellery stalls. We will probably return for a day out though/ looked like there were lots of independent shops

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