Pile driving

Slept well….. 9.05 when I woke up!

A second lovely sunny morning…..so I decided on a walk into town for coffee and breakfast as it was late.

Really pleasant walk, a bit chilly but so nice to get out in the fresh air.

Spent a good while doing Wordle & Quordle sat with my coffee, sun shining through the window….. then up popped a memory on my fb page, this day last year, hub trying his first alcoholic drink after his chemo had finished. He had a JD & coke, which tasted great, he enjoyed it……. that was just 36 days before he passed away. It gave me quite a jolt when I saw it……but it has a happiness to it too, seeing him enjoying it :-)

I spoke with daughter for a good while too, shes good, had a nice experience with her reiki recently. After we’d finished chatting, I decided to stay and have another coffee & a piece of carrot cake :-)

Walked home, which we when I snapped todays blip….. last time I walked past this site, it wasn’t even sold, now work had obviously started, Im guessing houses….. its very close to the culvert that runs through our town, which does flood sometimes, don’t think Id be buying there!!!

I spent another two hours in the garden, after 3 hours yesterday…… still so much to do, but the grass is so boggy! Filled the garden bin already and its not due to be emptied until a week Thursday :-/

Made lamb chops and cauliflower cheese, with some asparagus for my tea. Then I popped round to see D&E nextdoor, as its Ds birthday today.

Came home about 10.45…… have watched two episodes of Sinner on netflix, which I am enjoying, but must get to bed now as its almost 01.30 am :-0!!!

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