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There is nothing very special about flowers from spring bulbs, except that it is quite funky when you've planted them yourself and this is the first time you've had spring flowers on the balcony (after 16+ years living here).

I slept like the dead last night. Despite going to bed early, I was too weary to read, so lay awake for a while and then dropped off and slept through to this morning, bar a few stirrings.

This morning I also took it easy, and then did a 45 minute spinning class, which was part of the programme I'm taking, and I was very pleased with the results.

Apart from that, and a walk out to get limes (and a few other bits), it's been another lazy day, although I did quite a bit of work in and amongst, getting on top of a few things that need sorting out this coming week.

Whilst I was out, I may have popped in to the relatively new plant shop I scoped out yesterday and bought a couple of very wee houseplants (for growing on, of course), as well as picking up another succulent in Lidl. I already have a lot of big stuff, but buying mini ones that will grow makes more sense, and gives me a lot of pleasure.

A beautiful sunny day, that started cold but was lovely and warm in the sunshine. Very spring like. There's more "weather" to come in the next few days, but I think we have more or less turned a corner, so I will be able to think about putting the jasmine outside quite soon.

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