
By SpotsOfTime

Overarching mindfulness

... evening cycle after work.

A day like today
Watching hair drying, like paint,
Slowly and watchful.

In stillness and love,
with care, i feel it happen
watch it patiently.

Silver strands wave - a
mercurial hanging on
connecting to life.

A linking, growing
weaving, a wonder binding
and gently hopeful.

Hard to understand
How, so oddly, hair outlives
the body and life.

cut off from its source
it continues, not growing
just there but lifeless.

A warm soul dries hair
Spilling over the shoulders
Embracing the world.

It believes in something.
Unseeing it sees another
day out and binds me.

Later. On top road
A world from the day
Space and time combine.

Snow melting. A thin
line separates worlds. The oak
Overarches all.


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