A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Bed calling!

So this is not the beautiful picture across the Forth that I had planned...!

Well after hours spent reading the documentation, today was finally time for the validation event that I was/am student panellist for. So, so long! Although from what I gather not as intense as they can be. However, I certainly wasn't built for full days of meetings!

As it's a programme run in collaboration with another organisation it was held off campus and instead almost on top of the Forth! Had the sun been shining it would have been lovely :)

I was thankful to have some company on the bus back into town and enjoyed nattering away to a member of quality assurance staff at uni who had been at the event.

The day, having been utterly mentally draining, left me fit for not much this evening so it's off to bed to hopefully get up early & get going with IPE before work in the evening :)

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