Tidy up and sad times
Bit of tidying up done in the garden from storm damage.
This evening, after still heaving heard nothing from my cousin Bill and realising it must be over a week since he was in touch, I messaged his younger daughter, Fiona, to see how he is. I feared it would not be good news as it's so unlike him not to be in touch and since he recently was given a terminal diagnosis I wondered if he was back in hospital or in the hospice. He lives in New Hartford which is upstate New York and I know his other daughter, Justine, had given up work to care for him (she is a nurse).
Fiona told me he is at the end stage of life now as things began to unravel 6 days ago but he is comfortable and not in pain.
Feeling sad but he had said he was ready to go and he always had a strong faith which will have sustained him. I will miss him. I hope he goes peacefully.
On another subject, but not a happier one, we've been watching the Ukrainians fight the Russian army and I still find it incredible that this should have happened to a country which threatened no-one. I am full of admiration for the Ukrainians as they fight for their country.
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