Seven Nation Army

Todays title has little to do with the picture, other than it is the song I have been trying to master the bass riff for this afternoon. Couldn’t be bothered getting an actual bass guitar out, so just grabbed the Acoustasonic which was nearby. Haven’t really had a chance to play it properly since getting it so it was good to spend some time alternating between picking out bass lines and strumming chords.
Went to the gym this morning for a decent workout but didn’t do a lot this afternoon other than sort out some bills. I managed to get the monthly broadband bill for the flat reduced from £30 to £22 by agreeing to another 24 month contract - amazing how amenable they are to reducing costs when you threaten to move to a different provider. Sadly, EDF are not so amenable. Electric and gas cost has risen by £100 per month, in spite of me actually being in credit on the last bill. I’ve had to switch to the standard tariff as the very few fixed tariffs on offer these days are even more expensive! I fear that things will not improve until the Russia/Ukraine situation is resolved - and possibly could get even worse if Russia retaliates against sanctions by turning the gas off completely.

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