
A present that I’ve been working on for a while, but other demands have delayed completion. I’ve taken photos to share with my sewing group ladies, as we often see the start of items but not the completion. I do 6 sessions in a month, so that equates to a lot of different ladies and I can never remember who has seen what !!! 

This paid off to a certain extent, as at one session I was working on the bigger bag with the picture of the owl, when one of the ladies said ‘I’ve got some owl material in the bag’ and proceeded to produce the owl fabric in the little zipped bag. Not quite enough to do the whole bag, but it’s all about patchwork so that’s not a problem. Perfect addition.

I have added a picture of the horse on the opposite side of the bigger bag. Both pictures were taken by me and printed onto special fabric sheets that have a paper backing that you peel off before attaching to the item that you are making. 

A busy morning, up to the post office in the car!!! But I flagged a bit this afternoon, it has been a busier week than normal for me. I’m making progress. 

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