Flower Friday

Tittle Tattle Teashop isn’t held during school holidays, so instead those who wish to still meet up go to the local garden centre. I walked up under sunny skies - quite mild so I was quite warm when I arrived. Quite a few people away,  and some more have now caught Covid, so just 5 of us met up, but we had a good morning chatting and drinking coffee.  Afterwards I had a look around, as not many flowers in the village yet, although the daffodils are pushing through quickly. Quite a lot of different photos taken, but I liked the bright cheerful colours of these little blooms. Still a lovely day when I walked home, and went via the local butchers for weekend meat and eggs.  One of the lads was saying he couldn’t stop watching the news and was worried that if the UK gets involved in the Ukraine situation that there might be conscription. He said he had talked to everyone in the shop that morning and had come to the conclusion that he was the only one worrying. I said that I am the the type who doesn’t worry about something until it happens - life is too short to stress out! Wonder if he will try it?!

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