Cheery Welcome

No Park Run for Tess and me this morning, off course, but Chris flew the family flag and reckoned it was a good one to miss: despite the sunshine, the course was muddier than it’s been all winter, making for heavy going.

We had a stroll up town this morning where Tess got a pair of shoes with zips that she can put on unaided - tying laces being something you can’t do with one hand!

This afternoon we had our regular walk with Chris, where I took this shot of the daffs in front f the Welcome To Street sign, and other than that I’ve been watching lunchtime football on TV, with the England v Wales rugby match and Yeovil’s televised game away at Chesterfield to come.

Kate, Joel & Sophie have gone to visit friends in the Midlands for the weekend. One Kate sent me of Sophie getting her horse fix at a farm this afternoon in extras.

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