I'm Too Old For All This!

I had to take my dad to the doctors today as he has an infection. He's 84, very stubborn and hates going to the doctor so if he has a problem he will usually leave it until it has got a lot worse (this is not the first time this has happened).
He phoned me a couple of days ago and said he thought he needed to go to A & E with an infection but I asked if he had contacted his doctors and he just said "I won't be able to get through". I told him to ring them and then call me back. Surprise, surprise they did have an appointment and I agreed to take him to the doctors and then back home again.
My dad lives in the village of Snodland (it sounds like somewhere mythical you go in your sleep!) and whilst I was waiting for him at the doctors I took a short walk out to the Christ Church Community Hall in the village. It's a tiny burgundy coloured corrugated iron building that I've driven past many times and been fascinated by.
The building itself is very hard to get a good shot of as it is near a main road and has iron railings in front of it. Therefore, today's image is of this delightful little sign on the outside of the building. I love the fact that the cartoon version has a Zimmer frame and pair of trainers! I subsequently found out that locals call it the "tin hut" and that it was first erected as a 'temporary' building to mark Queen Victoria's Jubilee in 1887.
Thankfully my old man was absolutely fine after his visit to the doctors and just needed a course of antibiotics. 

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