A base for the Community Constable

Yesterday we were told that Young L, our youngest grandchild, has just tested positive on a RAT (and subsequently found that at least one of his friends at school has also tested positive). His brother and mother have so far tested negative but still have to isolate at home. S and I did some grocery shopping for them, and their dog. It has seemed inevitable, and there is some decrease in tension with the positive test and only moderate symptoms. Daughter C has had her booster, and both boys are doubly vaccinated.

Late this afternoon I had to go to New Lynn for a couple of things, and took the opportunity for a photograph of the New Lynn Police Station. Built with bricks made in the township of New Lynn in 1912, the building began as the Post Office for the town. New Lynn is now an inner western suburb of Auckland.

The building has an historical listing. It is staffed with only one or a few constables at any one time; Avondale (next on the Great North Road into central Auckland) has a large Police Station, which is fully functional at all times, and serves the inner west of the city.

I understand that protesters outside Parliament who develop symptoms like Young L has, are claiming that this is the result of electromagnetic rays aimed at them from Parliament, and so they are wearing tinfoil hats. It has also been reported that “a number” of protesters have tested positive for COVID.

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