Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

It's a beast

Omg I managed to get an Xbox series X.

I have been checking stock for a while and they come in then fly off. The last time I found one in stock was just before Christmas and I almost brought one then but sensible me said no. But I check that often that phone just automatically put the latest stock alert right at the top of my news feed.

Yeah well sensible me got locked an room while fun me went buy buy buy.

There are a few games coming out that wont work on our xbox one. Mr Mouse was looking at the Xbox series s as a compromise but I was like no I want true 4k gaming.

But oh my didn't realise just how big it really is. It won't actually fit in our TV stand. It's also so heavy that it won't go on the shelves above.

So we will have to finally admit defeat and wall mount the TV.

But I am already in love.

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