
This morning I went to Cramond for my walk.

As soon as I got let off my lead I met a little black Scottie dog that wanted to chase me. We were going in opposite directions but the little Scottie just wanted to play and play and play. Obviously she couldn't catch me because I am super speedy. However her owner got quite cross with her. Apparently she was only a few months old and she'd slipped her lead. Eventually Ann had to stop and call me to her, because the little Scottie obviously wasn't going to go back to her owner. Ann said, 'Trixie come, playtime is over.' And do you know what?...................... I went straight back to Ann and sat smug collie pup mummy moment, which gave the little Scottie's owner the opportunity to recapture her.

After that, I found a rather lovely stick that I carried for ages. Unfortunately I dropped it when I saw a whole load of little people that I wanted to go and say hello to. I think they were part of a nursery day out. I love little people and mostly they like me. I just have to remember not to jump up at them because that frightens some of them.

We walked all the way along to Granton and then turned around and walked back. And just look what I found on the return route?.......................... a lovely pink ball. Yay!!!

Yet another ball to go into my 'manky old ball box'. That means that since I donated 44 manky old balls to the 'Edinburgh Dog & Cat Home', I've found 10 more. Yay!!!!

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