Exploring in the rain

A very wet day, so an excuse to visit a few churches and museums.

Probably the most stunning religious building in Funchal is the Jesuit Church. Personally, I love the Cathedral, much more ancient and quietly spiritual. But there is no doubting the splendour of the Igreja do Colegio - Igreja de Sao Joao Evangelista.

I just sat quietly and appreciated all that overwhelming decoration.

It was still throwing it down after a while so I headed up the hill, past the Jesuit College ( where one day I will take the tour.) Mist and rain clouds were still covering the mountains so I paid a return visit to the Quinta das Cruzes museum.

It’s lovely, but I wish they’d put good old fashioned labels on things, instead of relying on you scanning all the QR codes.

Still pouring, so I popped into the museum cafe where I had the world’s worst espresso. I took it back after a couple of sips and he offered me another one ! No thanks…..

Down the hill is the lovely Natural History museum ( which has an amazing butterfly collection). I couldn’t go in there because I hadn’t got my recent lft test proof on me. It was the only place I saw this notice. I thought they’d stopped it, but never mind, I’ll go again in the future.

The hills are steep and descending was hazardous.  The cobbles and pavements with little mosaics are lethal. I was slow but careful. 

In the rainy city centre, I went into a very interesting cafe. I saw “Sopa de Trigo” on the chalkboard. It was 2.50€ and amazing. Not for vegetarians I’m afraid, in spite of its name (wheat soup). It was packed with locals, families, builders, smart office workers. Another great find. They squeezed me in. 

Back on the bus and the rain did start to ease.

It was huge fun - aspects of Funchal I’ve not normally seen. 

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