Just the Withers......

By JaneW

A little something for us all please ...

From left to right Bobby bog brush (Wiggys naughty pooch) my Pepe (newcomers please note he has no eyes ... Socket less he is ) and my Sadie ... all waiting for a treat .
Talking of treats ... What day was it then ??? YOU scamps you all know what day ...SNACK WEDNESDAY ... I was forced to purchase a foot long pecan and butterscotch Danish plait ... And of course scoff it ...
I was also forced to spend a great deal of time lying on the sofa to keep my mum company as this was her want for the day,to do nothing ..being a dutiful daughter I did as I was bid ...
Whilst lying upon the sofa I listened to the soft tones of The ageing rockstar (husband of Velvet frog..see my New Year's Eve blips) painting my kitchen and breakfast room ceilings ...kindly I made him many cups of teas AND brought him an egg mayo sandwich ... Selfless me x

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