Dancing on Ice.......

A rushed morning feed which wasn't helped by a dump of snow first thing.
Loaded up the 5 blks into the trailer and cautiously headed off for the mart at St Boswells. At the road end I had the choice of turning right which meant going up hill and round some bends,or turning left and attempting the downhill Cresta run with 2 -3 tons of cattle shoving me towards the hairpin bridge.
Opted for right and up the hill. Didn't go to plan though as I got stuck half way round the bends,slid across the road backwards and got jammed into the banking.
So had to phone home for a tractor and chain to come round the long way and tow me to the main road.
Still,made it there eventually,and in time ,as I was first in the ballot today.
The first 3 blks sold OK,but the other 2 played up in the ring,adding to the entertainment value of me hiding behind the safety pillar while one of them tried to have a go. And the buyers stopped bidding so they were sold a lot cheaper than they should have been.
Still,they are away ,and plenty more for another sale.
A quick feed in the canteen,home via my mechanic pal's to collect a trailer he was repairing,then home to feed cattle again .
Then a trip to the chiro tonight during another snow shower.
Roll on summer

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