What was I Thinking?

I am still in my closet. I have loved all the comments about closets and all the sentimental attachments love/hate relationships we have have with our clothes, and the less than objective decisions we make about them!

I know what I was thinking when I made it today's blip. I was thinking it was a challenge...a throwing of the gauntlet by Kaffe Fasset whose knitting pattern it is. The challenges were many...beginning with figuring out how to keep all those different skeins of color separate from each other. While I was doing that I made the mistake of putting it down for a moment, and our new puppy made off with it, dragging it through the dog door and out into the back yard to hide under a bush. Untangling that mess had one hidden benefit...I figured out a very clever plan involving ziplok baggies with a corner cut off to keep each color separated. 

It is a 'boiled wool' coat, so after I finished knitting the whole thing I had to screw up my courage and put the whole thing in the washing machine on hot. That worked out better than I thought it would because the process hid a lot of mistakes.

Too bad it is so not my style that even though it fit, I never wore it. I could, however, never bring myself to get rid of it either. It may have to go in the attic in a plastic container with the clothes I wore to my children's weddings and will never wear again....

Needless to say, I am still clearing the closet, which has led inexorably to clearing out the garage, the coat closet and the closet in the guest room.
Progress is being made, but I am not as close as I had hoped to creating a simple wardrobe out of the same six pieces worn in 500 different combinations like the travel articles and certain clothing lines are always advising....

The situation in Ukraine breaks my heart. The suffering that is going to result for the people of Ukraine who woke up this morning to the sound of Russian warplanes flying over their cities, and the ordinary people in  Russia who can't possibly want this, is beyond imagining. Anyone who can fire a weapon is being encouraged to join the fight for Ukrainian democracy. Women are weeping for their fathers and husbands and their children. And the  Russian army has taken Chernobyl. 

As  blipper Blethers commented, 'I feel like hiding in a closet rather than tidying one.' 

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