
Tilly has been clipped - I've left her winter coat as long as possible because of the weather, but, she was getting too unkempt and difficult to keep her coat without knots getting into it.

When they've finished clipping, washing and blow drying the boys get blue bows and girls, pink ones. Am glad I don't get the same present when I've been for short back and sides....

On the changes to Blip that seem to be attracting lots of criticism - I was about to post negative comments but thought I'd better check first. I logged out from Blipfoto on my iPad and navigated back to my journal. From there I could go back to any other journal entry, see my subscribers and visit their journal.

I then asked my son to do likewise (he isn't a Blip member) and he can see everything. So, are others still experiencing problems?
Is it a real problem or change to service?
It seems to me to be either finger trouble (it is dead-easy to inadvertently change a system wide parameter on portal websites and end up trashing some or all of your website) or a mechanism to do some load-shedding. Blip seems to have had a few problems and so it might have been a deliberate management action to alleviate stress on the platform.

So, do you know non-members who cannot currently see your journal?

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