Meet Jeanne Socrates

One amazing lady now In the Guinness book of Records .She has sailed the world single handed , the oldest woman to do so and , after a fall which broke her neck .She never gave up , followed her dream and made it a reality . Truly inspirational .. Here you see her with my friend's husband down under .A radio -ham he could contact her and the invite was sent come and stay .She took. them up and as you'll guess I didn't take the image .There are exceptions. Credit for the photo goes to Lynne. I had a great chat with Jeanne via Skype and we had much in common Same age /only a few weeks between our birthdays/ both BSAC trained Divers /and much more .Wonderful to listen to.and she answered so many questions .I give you a link to her web sight and for facebook users there are photos.   One thing is for sure ,life is for living ..

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