A valid blip

Once must be the first time. My blip No 3075 yesterday seems to violate the blip rules and has been blocked or deleted. I was not aware of it and it was not intentional. Too bad about the text, because for once I wrote more than usual.

What could it be?

A political statement? The text said that the fascinating date of 22.2.22 now stands for the start of a terrible breach of international law.

Publicity? Having read an article in the daily newspaper that the issue of emergency stocks is now gaining in importance for younger generations. The text mentioned a company that sells emergency supplies. In small portions, but also in packages of over 3 million kcal and for the price of a small car. I would not have thought that this could be taken as an advertisement for blippers. Who wants to order two Euro pallets of calories?

A photo with a section of the website? Copyright issues? Maybe. Actually, I hope that was the reason.

I couldn't resist taking a picture of a smaller emergency stash today. All references to quantity, price and local origin have been carefully removed.

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