Another Crocus

It was so cold this morning 21F/-6.1C! The ground was frozen and the plants all desiccated and unhappy. When I went out later this afternoon to take a blip, the ground was still frozen in the shade. I hope that not too much got damaged with the cold. Time will tell! But these crocus had perked up in the sun and it was a stunning 36F/2.2C! Brrr. These crocus are arising out of a patch of wooly thyme...kind of cool looking. We'll be back to normal temps and rain this weekend. Oh and a bit of snow tomorrow morning, just for fun!

The botanical garden presentations last night and this morning well really well. There's a huge amount of interest for our work which is so energizing! 730 people registered for last night! 

Lunch with mom today was peaceful and sweet, and we played three rounds of backgammon and she beat me, you know she did! She throws doubles like nobody's business ;-)

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