Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

We Are There

Well, it’s been a few weeks but I’m back! I confess I’ve been experiencing a bit of a ‘photography blockage’ recently but I’m going to keep plugging away and I’m sure my mojo will be restored. Being around people certainly helps, and today has been an unexpectedly social one. 

For starters, it was the first time that Nici, Sarah and I had all been together in the same room since 2019. What a lovely reunion! You may recall the days when the three of us worked together to co-ordinate the Liverpool Mental Health Festival, and much else besides. How good it was to finally be back together at Lovelock’s for lunch!

Whilst there, I also had an impromptu encounter with another former colleague, and composter extraordinaire, the lovely Minna (see Extras), which was an added bonus!

And, since I was just across the road from my office, I actually popped into work for the second time in as many years and discovered my colleagues Natalie and Andrew were there too. So good to see them both! (Also in the Extras - posing with the remains of a colleague that unfortunately got locked in the office when the rest of us made a sharp exit back in March 2020… Just kidding. No animals were harmed in the making of this photograph! )

As things stand, I’ll probably be continuing to work from home for the vast majority of my time but I think I’ll be having a few more trips back to the office for meetings over the coming months. Next week I even have to attend an actual work ‘event’ again. Whatever next?!

Today’s tune is my current obsession, ‘Mothlight’ by Modern Studies from their brilliant new album, ‘We Are There’. I can’t get this song out of my head! 

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