I Know My Place.....

Heading off to the shop at the crack of dawn I found that the council had shut off the lower end of the road with cones and a tarmac ripper-upper - nothing else.
When I came out of the shop and was putting the bags in the boot the wind whipped the receipt out and took it across the car park. It might not sound much, but SWMBO rescans everything (including the receipt) and gets money back. So I had to chase the damned thing right across the huge car park and recover it from under the one car ... in the one puddle.
Luckily the thing is made from fairly waterproof paper.
Of course I had to come home via the diversion. There were cones at the top of the road (with a small gap for 'Local Access') ..... and nothing else.
I have no idea if any other machinery arrived later.

I made a slightly larger 'cup' today (as you may have gathered from the picture). When I went to take the picture I found that the one from yesterday .... the one that broke and I glued back together ...  has split. I have never seen it do it like that before. I might just leave it rather than fill it, it depends on how well it continues to stand.

I also took more abstract pictures of knife blades and am going to make a new AV show.

No.1 son and family have managed to move into their new home - and without killing his mother-in-law. The lad has more self control than I would.
Butterfly isn't taking things too well - she was saying that she wasn't ready to move and to top it off their cat has had to be put down due to a large tumour under his tongue which burst.

I was right yesterday - next door have wasted their money - there are still stains running down the wall and lines from the high pressure hose (it would appear that they didn't go over everywhere in two directions to prevent such schoolboy errors).

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