Amandine's Plot Treize

By AmandineJardine

Lambs lettuce seedlings

I generally have no problem overwintering lambs lettuce and it often self seeds profusely but this year, I tried a new, slightly larger cultivar which didn't do as well. 

I've therefore sown some more in the greenhouse (along with other mixed salad leaves) for an early crop.

As an autumn/winter crop, lambs lettuce is not a big fan of hot weather, it'll need planting out early in the season and I'll put it in the shadiest part of the plot to help it cope with the summer heat. One of the beds that has had manure will be perfect!

It's such a winter staple in France and a lot of lambs lettuce in supermarkets actually comes from France. But obviously homegrown tastes much, much better. Also, the best thing about it is that slugs don't seem to like it!!

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