
Right now, I need to pause! I got up, took Abe for a walk at the Wetlands before the heat came into the day. 

Then a blood test and a quick race around in town to grab a few bits and bobs.

Home to grab some breakfast (my blood test was a fasting one) and then, at 10:30, I had a call with a lady whose going to do some work on my website. 

That finished at 11:55, and my first business coaching call started at midday. It was really intense, and three hours long! My mind is spinning. I'm trying to get everything done so that I can shut my brain off. If I don't, it will be spinning for days.

It's now 6 pm and I'm about to feed Abe and then feed us.

Day done. It's been a good one, but I'm exhausted. Lots of talking and thinking.

Oh, and this is the back of my car. Abe decided that the boot wasn't the place for him after our walk this morning.


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