
Just to keep you on your toes I thought I'd blip someone dog other than Keyser and see if anybody notices...

Today's lunch date in Glasgow with friends Moe and Jen nearly didn't happen. While exercising Keyser this morning in an effort to exhaust him so that he would sleep while I was out, I managed to pull a hamstring muscle when I bent down far too quickly to try and snatch a stick before Keyser got to it. I felt a sort of twang and a sharp pain, and limped the rest of the walk with a distinct lack of enthusiasm! That'll larn me!

I was worried about driving with my injury, but took some painkillers and set off warily, having warned Moe and Jen that I might not make it - but I did, and it was lovely to relax and catch up with friends over some scrummy tapas.

This is Jen's labradoodle, the gorgeous, adorable, scruffy Lola. Don't you just love that expression? She doesn't keep still for long, so the blip is a bit fuzzy.

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