
Felt a bit bored today, I think it's because we're just waiting and wondering how things are progressing with the sales.

Long chat with my friend Marian.

Cleared a tub full of twigs/branches that have fallen from the Silver Birches in front of your house.

Pre ordered a new camera, decided to also get the 12 -40 lens. I think (hope) it will be a good carry round lens. I'm going to trade in some of the lenses I rarely use. 

Went for a walk along the muddy canal path. We thought we'd got away lightly after all the storms, but walking along the canal there were at least 6 trees down. Some innovative person has cut a tunnel through one. Good call as there was no other way round. See extra.

Camera club AGM tonight - In the hall. Will be interesting as we've had two years of curling up on the sofa and meeting through zoom, have to admit, I rather liked that option, just hope the hall is warm.

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