occhi verdi

By occhiverdi

The Culprit

Evidence of an intruder after an outdoor birthday party... sure, these little candles look like candy and cookies, but ah-hah! They fooled you!
And by "you", I mean the family of squirrels and the occasional opossum that have been foraging around the house.

We found this little candle half eaten and then the bits of wax spit out all over the table. A similar scene was at the next table where someone had left a dixie cup full of wrapped candy. A sucker had been torn into, and pieces were chewed off and then spit back out.
My dad came home at lunch today and discovered the squirrels carrying off pieces of candy back to their trees.

I just think this is adorable.

In other news, it looks as though my dad has the flu. Let's hope it's just the flu and not this swine thing going around.

I just got my tax return in the mail and I already know how I'm going to stimulate the economy with it! A new 17" MacBook Pro... I'm going to lay this "old" girl to rest after three faithful years and do a little upgrading. (lemme lemme upgradja, gradja? no, beyonce. stop.)

Cheers, blipland!

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