The Closest Thing To Heaven

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

I'm happy today. Sorry. I do not wish to be annoying. I just am.

And nothing in particular triggered this. Just the usual stuff. Just everything in particular. I had a lovely day with Corrie. We got breakfast together, she told me about her marriage plans. We had laughs. We had a lovely fun meeting with Fazzy. A productive meeting with the guys. 

We just had a good day. I even got stuff done. 

Corrie told me that she would really love me to stay on, and I really want to stay too. I love my work family and I don't want to go anywhere. We got talking and maybe we can put a plan in place. 

I'm not going to hold my breath or get my hopes up. But, you know. It's worth fighting to hold onto this, I think. I spent 31 years of my working life believing I deserved dismal. Now I want something better for the last decade or so before retirement. 

But however things turn out, I know I will be invited to Corrie's wedding too (get a move on, Corrie's partner). And I know this weird little family of workers will always be in my life. It's a nice feeling to have.

So on the commute home in the bright sunshine, when the song Somewhere In My Heart came on, I felt a surge of happy. Like I'm drowning or drunk on happy. 

And as the train went around the coast, Kāpiti Island came into view. I'm going there this weekend, with my mates. And as often happens with a good song, all the lyrics suddenly made sense.

Somewhere in my heart
There is the will to set you free
All you've got to be is true


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