Note to self:-
Take MORE notice!
I can't, hand on heart, claim it rained all day, just every time I tried to cross the threshold.
The result was that, on one of my tries, I spotted this lonely ornamental Quince fruit and, since my last doorstep shot was Snowdrops I took aim two-three times at Quince for a change.
What I didn't take notice of was which shot was which and you can't half see the difference. Up in the top right there's a group of Choisya Ternata "Sundance" waiting to flower. At the back there's a Sarcococca which, I read, is a member of the Box family scenting for yards if I ever get near it. THAT I can smell. Al could smell box from feet away, if not yards; I barely could if I stuck my nose into the plant. The Choisya is another nicely scented one.
I finally gave up trying to get out and shot the Chaenomeles.
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