The Red Cross

Tried another thing I've been postponing for long. The local Red Cross unit offers free Norwegian language training which is a great venue to practice speaking. I finally made it there and it was a very humbling experience. 

I've been learning by myself for about 6 months now in Duolingo but I knew my speaking skills were terrible. I was excited for the session and to meet new people and was not disappointed. A member in my group was a young refugee from Eritrea. He is 20 years old and arrived in Norway around a year back. Back in Africa he had to leave his education at a young age and was a refugee in many countries. Now, he is attending 8th grade in a special school for refugees here. With everything life has thrown at him, I was amazed at how he seemed to have taken everything in his stride and settled into his new life. I hope life takes a better turn for him from now on.

I hope to be a volunteer at Red Cross one day and contribute back. 

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