By lizzie_birkett

Grandparent’s Day?

I don’t think it was or is but we got this lovely card through the post anyway all the way from County Antrim. Arón our 7 year old Grandson made it and sent it to us. Maybe he just made the day up specially for us!
The full moon was painted by his big sister Isla - age 10 - last week. we think she is a talented young artist.

Today has been a fabulous day! The sun shone all day after the initial damp greyness.
After waking up at 5am with a pounding migraine I took a Zomig and 
by 7 am I was totally migraine free, no other headache, earache or toothache all day! I think the amitryptilline is working.

The ONS Covid research man came today for our DIY tests. He has to stand outside while we do nose and throat swabs and prick our fingers for a blood sample. I hate doing that to myself! Then he asks us lots of questions.

I did lots of cleaning - therapy for me - fed the birds, read the paper, read other stuff, had a wee nap, cut Frank’s hair, took Bella for a trot round the block. There was a black cat and she was desperate to say hello and the cat was very curious but couldn’t quite pluck up the courage. Anyway, Bella’s attention was then diverted to a cute toddler out with his mummy. She loves little ones and managed a quick lick on his nose! I apologised but the mum didn’t mind and the wee boy was giggling. I would never have let a dog lick my babies on the face and try not to let Bella but she’s so strong and quick.
Stopped and chatted to some ladies I know on the new estate - they always turn up at Frank’s jam session at the pub. A lovely bunch.

We are now trying to remember what we watched on telly last night so we can continue watching but neither of us can think what it was!

Thank you Blippers for your concern and lovely comments over the last few days.
Hope all is as well as can be with you.
Goodnight ;-) X

Round the Block on a Sunny Day

The sun was shining today
After all the stormy weather
I took the dog around the block 
Stopping here and there for a blether

First it was Eunice tidying her garden
Then Val popped round to her gate
Across the road Joy was outside 
Her roof was missing a slate

A black cat came out to join us
And Bella got quite excited
Then a Mum and toddler came by
Both dog and boy were delighted

A sunny day is like magic
It lifts everybody’s mood
Like veggies feed our tummies
The sunshine is our brain food

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