South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Buying stationery

Hubby and I went to the stationery shop this morning to stock up on various things including packs of coloured paper for printing the church news sheets on, also some labels for printing church members' names on to circulate the church meeting minutes. I've never done this before, but the man assured me that it's easy using Word. (Because we have so many elderly people in the church who aren't computer literate we have to do things the old-fashioned way. I have taken on doing this, and have set up a list of about 15 people who can have their minutes sent as email attachments. The rest have to be hand done in envelopes). They have a huge selection of things at this shop - including office furniture upstairs. We got two great adjustable chairs from here a couple of years ago - you can try them for comfort and then order the colour you want from a huge range. I never understand how it's possible to buy chairs, beds or shoes online! They just have to be tried!

We got back quite late, so decided to have fish and chips for lunch, especially as I have to get to home group by 2.15 pm. (P.S. You can see hubby in this photo).

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