
Woke early so I managed to be at the shops by 8.30 after still reading the papers and having done Wordle (and compared notes with T&Kt on it). Just as I was about to go into the supermarket S phoned to talk through how things are going with her hospitalised partner…he’s due out next week and she seems positive about him coming home and seems to be settling well in their new house. Fingers crossed!
Staggered up the stairs home with the shopping and made some breakfast then got on with some work and email shovelling, as well as some prep for the week ahead. Through the afternoon I had a busy domestic time cleaning and ironing, making a ginger cake (and this was the only photo I took today, to let A know I’d baked it), preparing for guests. Seems A&N and S&L, all due early evening, didn’t want dinner after all so I just roasted the chicken without all the trimmings for a change and had some with salad and bread before they all arrived and (in S&L’s case) went out again.
Heard all about the wedding from A&N and after we’d caught up I headed to bed

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